
  • Can we reimagine a world where clean air, water 和 food are available to all?
  • 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐如何创造注重健康和福祉的经济?
  • Are we able to shape communities that empower people to have control over their health 和 the planet’s health?

These are the urgent questions being asked by the World Health Organization (谁) on 2022年世界卫生日, the annual awareness day which unites stakeholders around a key heath priority. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐, we are advancing solutions that address some of these issues 和 support a healthier tomorrow – for all.

可持续发展是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐DNA的一部分,根植于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐所做的一切. 作为一家医疗保健公司, we have a responsibility to innovate 和 accelerate the delivery of life-changing-medicines, 同时为解决澳门第一赌城在线娱乐这个时代的重大问题发挥澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的作用, 的人, 社会与地球. 无论是在整个组织内部,还是与他人合作, we are working to drive system-wide change to build a more sustainable future.


Delivering improved healthcare outcomes with lower environmental impact requires coordinated efforts across the global healthcare system. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐认识到,伙伴关系对实现这一目标至关重要. 应威尔士亲王殿下的邀请, 帕斯卡Soriot, 首席执行官, 澳门在线赌城娱乐, 冠军的 可持续市场倡议(SMI)卫生系统工作组, a unique collaboration of leaders from global biopharmaceuticals companies, 国际机构, 卫生保健系统, 学术界和政策制定者.

工作组成员为了一个共同的目标团结在一起, 加快实现净零卫生保健. 他们的关注点有三点:使供应链脱碳, reducing the footprint of patient care pathways 和 accelerating digital innovation. The Taskforce will also look at opportunities linked to metrics 和 measurement to assess the environmental impact of healthcare, 和 engage with stakeholders on the key policies needed for more sustainable healthcare delivery.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐也是联合国的创始成员 Partnership for Health System 可持续性 和 Resilience (PHSSR) a global collaboration to ensure health systems can withst和 future crises 和 shocks. 通过与伦敦经济学院的合作, 世界经济论坛和皇家飞利浦, 等, PHSSR provides qualitative 和 quantitative evidence to inform policy, 和 promote action at national 和 international levels to strengthen health system sustainability 和 resilience.


Alongside our partnerships driving health systems decarbonisation 和 resilience, for over a decade we have been helping young people around the world take control of their health through our flagship Young Health Programme (YHP).The YHP is working to deliver better health choices for brighter life chances through a combination of community programmes, research 和 advocacy 和 supports the development of young leaders. 自2010年推出以来, YHP has directly reached over six million young people 和 trained almost 200,在30多个国家的000名年轻人, 通过地方和全球伙伴关系.

作为其中的一部分, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐支持“同一个青年世界引领2030”挑战, an initiative matching leading companies with dynamic young people 谁 are taking meaningful action to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Around World Health Day, we are delighted to announce the two latest winners, Vidyut汉 和 Enkhuun Byambadorj, 谁 have led inspiring innovations to reduce air pollution in India 和 Mongolia. 他们将获得50美元的奖金,000 each as well as a Scholarship to the One Young World Summit 和 澳门在线赌城娱乐 mentoring to support their work.


Innovative thinking like those of our Lead2030 winners is critical to improving respiratory health. 每年有800万人死于空气污染,1 空气质量差是一项重大的环境和健康挑战. 与 剑桥可持续发展领导学院, we are helping to improve respiratory health in the Dunga Beach community through the introduction of biogas technology, 减少在柴火上烹饪产生的烟雾.

另一个例子是 阿兹森林, our commitment to planting 和 maintaining 50 million trees by the end of 2025. This reforestration initiative will support improved air quality 和 carbon storage, 以及培育社区和生态弹性. 以澳大利亚正在进行的现有再造林项目为基础, 印尼, 英国, 和法国, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐最近宣布了两个新的AZ森林项目 在加纳和美国.


认识到气候与健康之间的相互联系, we’re engaging with policymakers around the world to discuss sustainable healthcare solutions 和 improve patient outcomes while reducing the environmental footprint.

在最近的2020年迪拜世博会期间, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐召集了世界卫生组织的专家, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 可持续医疗保健联盟, 和 government officials from Egypt 和 the UAE to discuss how to mitigate the impact of the environment on health, 在今年晚些时候举行的第27届联合国气候变化大会之前. In partnership with external stakeholders 和 The Health Policy Partnership, our “医疗脱碳”讨论文件 explores the interconnection of climate 和 health in urban settings 和 the policy levers which are critical to support a healthier future. 


澳门在线赌城娱乐, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在采取行动, 现在, to create a future where we have greater health equity 和 inclusion 和 more sustainable care – for our planet, 还有澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的健康. 这不是一个选择,这是必须要做的.


1. 谁. The World Health Organization estimates 13 million people die each year from environmentally-related health risks. (在线). 可在:http://www.谁.int/news/item/15-03-2016-an-estimated-12-6-million-deaths-each-year-are-attributable-to-unhealthy-environments. [最后访问日期:2022年3月].


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